Friday, February 26, 2010

what up?

hey guys
amacam? ok tak warna baru blog aku ni? kalau ada kuning gelap sikit aku dah lama ambik dah...hehe

minggu ni memang ramai budak f4 baru masuk kgv. tak tau la ni tradisi ke apa, tapi aku perasan lepas cuti CNY je ramai budak masuk. memang dah plan camtu la kot

so, welcome, our new brothers and sisters, and here's a tip : WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GO TO 4 ABU BAKAR IF YOU WANT TO STAY SANE!!!

sekian, terima kasih

ps : kuiz tu korang pikir la sendiri jawapan, malas aku nak gitau

Sunday, February 14, 2010


here are a few questions :

1. expand (x+2)(x+3)
2. complete the square of x squared+8x+15
3. draw a rectangle with three lines
4. below is a diagram
find x

i'll give you the answers on wednesday (unless you can figure it out first)