Sunday, September 18, 2011

Keterbukaan Rumah

white chocolate milkshake

bila raya ni, memang bahagian yang aku paling suka bila kawan-kawan datang rumah/gi rumah kawan. jadi cara paling senang aku nak dapatkan maximum attendance ialah buat rumah terbuka

bila buat rumah terbuka ni senang sikit nak prepare, takde la diorang datang mengejut. bayangkan kalau aku tengah tidur, rumah bersepah, jap lagi ada orang call, kata "5 minit lagi kitorang sampai rumah kau". memang tak sempat la nak sediakan apa-apa

anyway, ni dia gambar-gambar yang diambil masa rumah terbuka aku Jumaat lepas

tak habis-habis nak photobomb

2? apakah itu skor yang memihak kepada Man United malam ni?

 Farid bajet hensem, Syafiq lak control macho
masing-masing dengan perangai pelik diorang

 ARRRGHHHHH!!! hantu mana lak kat kanan gambar tu?
kenapa lak la gambar ni blur

 hidup All-Blacks!!! oh, and my best friends

kepada yang tak dapat datang, takpe la sebab korang ada benda yang tak dapat dielakkan. rilek la, bukannya aku nak rembat korang pun *sharpening Altair's sword*

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Merdekaraya 2011 (sponsored by Felipe Massa)

siapa bilang warga Georgians tak patriotik, takde semangat kemerdekaan, tiada jiwa Malaysia? (sori Jamal :p)

 inilah barisan kita, yang ikhlas berjuang...

 semangat kami takkan tergugat

 long-range snap...ingat aku tak nampak korang ke? :p

 takyah cover la zim, ingat aku tak tau ke kau sorang dah balun kek secret recipe tu?

 this was truly an honour. terima kasih cikgu!

kuih raya yang paling amat tersusah sekali nak dibukak

serbu jangan tak serbu!

 1Malaysia in action. we've always been

 gaduh-gaduh dalam kelas tapi kawan-kawan gak

 Amalina, kamera sini la...

 Selamat Merdekaraya dari kelas 5 Muzaffar (gambar Aezack)

sejujurnya, aku akan rindu suasana ni semua. dapat celebrate Merdeka + raya dengan kawan-kawan, makan-makan semua, memang tak boleh nak diciplak kat mana-mana tempat. I had fun, my friends had fun, the teachers had fun, everyone had fun. bila lagi nak tengok budak-budak semua berwarna-warni kat sekolah?

dan ya, aku memang seronok dapat pakai baju Melayu kat sekolah. aku suka tengok diorang semua pakai baju Melayu diorang. aku seronok tengok satu sekolah pakai pakaian tradisional. and we have lives. good ones, in fact. so eat your words, Matthew 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - My Take

for some reason, after reading 'Days of Future Past', I can't help but link it with 9/11

'Days of Future Past' is a storyline in 'The Uncanny X-Men' back in the 80s. in this storyline, mutants became hated by Americans after The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants killed Senator Kelly. mutants were shunned, rounded up and virtually wiped out in the storyline. the Sentinels (mutant-terminating robots) wiped out the mutants, and even superheroes like Spider-Man, Iron Man and the Fantastic Four

now compare this to 9/11. terrorists attack America. these terrorists happen to be Muslims. Americans hate Muslims now (well, most of them). Muslims are now being prejudiced against because of the actions of radical idiots who don't represent true Islam. Muslims are being discriminated in America, just like the mutants in 'Days of Future Past'

the actions of al-Qaeda are unfair since they do not portray what Islam really is all about : peace and tolerance. they are unfair to humanity who crave for peace and harmony. they are unfair to Muslims who practice the real teachings of Muhammad and the Quran, which are peaceful and non-violent

I also believe it's time Americans open their eyes and see what Islam is really about, not just the media-distorted views. they only stick to the belief that Muslims = terrorists. but do they do any research? do they look deep into it? do they look at other Muslim countries that were not involved in the attacks? of course not. patriotism is one thing, but to be blinded by it is pure stupidity. and they wonder why people hate them

Marvel have predicted these events way back in the 80s. the people may be different but the end result is the same : discrimination and prejudice