congrats kimi raikkonen for winning the Belgian GP!
yeah! hidup ferrari!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
kehidupan of self-kuarantin
so, masuk hari ni, aku dah hari x datang sekolah...why? batuk, demam2 skit...sebab takut tu H1N1, parents aku cakap xyah gi sekolah dulu...
soo, camne aku handle ni? senang je...hehe...
sebab thun ni nak PMR, jadi kene la study sikit...bile boring? ape lagi, Football Manager la! :-D...bile boring dgn FM?
*bayangkan ni 1945*
"Here's the situation. The Canucks have taken the north. The Poles, meanwhile, have taken the east. They're driving the Germans back"
"So it's good news, Dix?"
"That's the good news. Bad news, they're retreating to where we are. Nichols, Huxley, you take point"
Call of Duty 3. membunuh nazi dapat menghilangkan kebosanan x pegi sekolah. dah la henpon aku buat zam-zam ala kazam lak, mane tah peginya...
Recent FM Achievements :
Negeri Sembilan : Signed Michael Owen for 1M from Celtic, win Liga Super
so, masuk hari ni, aku dah hari x datang sekolah...why? batuk, demam2 skit...sebab takut tu H1N1, parents aku cakap xyah gi sekolah dulu...
soo, camne aku handle ni? senang je...hehe...
sebab thun ni nak PMR, jadi kene la study sikit...bile boring? ape lagi, Football Manager la! :-D...bile boring dgn FM?
*bayangkan ni 1945*
"Here's the situation. The Canucks have taken the north. The Poles, meanwhile, have taken the east. They're driving the Germans back"
"So it's good news, Dix?"
"That's the good news. Bad news, they're retreating to where we are. Nichols, Huxley, you take point"
Call of Duty 3. membunuh nazi dapat menghilangkan kebosanan x pegi sekolah. dah la henpon aku buat zam-zam ala kazam lak, mane tah peginya...
Recent FM Achievements :
Negeri Sembilan : Signed Michael Owen for 1M from Celtic, win Liga Super
Thursday, August 13, 2009
hey guys...
satu perasaan pelik telah ku rasa pagi tadi...
kepala berat semacam, badan rasa sejuk, batuk pun lain macam je...simptom2 ni cam kenal je...
nasib baik bukan H1N1, aku selsema lagi...tapi x best la duduk rumah, xleh buat ape2...dah la janji si nazrul bagi cd fifa09 kat dia...
anyway, take care, jejaga skit mane korang pegi n makanlah vitamin bebanyak...peace!
beberapa pujian di FMGLive ntuk jersi2 yang aku buat...
satu perasaan pelik telah ku rasa pagi tadi...
kepala berat semacam, badan rasa sejuk, batuk pun lain macam je...simptom2 ni cam kenal je...
nasib baik bukan H1N1, aku selsema lagi...tapi x best la duduk rumah, xleh buat ape2...dah la janji si nazrul bagi cd fifa09 kat dia...
anyway, take care, jejaga skit mane korang pegi n makanlah vitamin bebanyak...peace!
beberapa pujian di FMGLive ntuk jersi2 yang aku buat...
Monday, August 10, 2009
so far so good
i feel good, ta-na-na-na-na-na-na...
trial results (so far) :
agama - 88
math - 72
geo - 82
bm - 84
bi - 86
kh - 77
science - 80 (fuh!)
sejarah - 87
selama ni x pernah dapat B dalam math (tahun ni la), so aku bersemangat sikit bila tengok result tu. yang aku x konfiden sangat kemahiran hidup (hidup ke? cam mati je), tu memang jadi badi aku tahun ni.
aku akan update post ni as the week goes on! :-)
aku rasa yang aku buat ni lagi cantik dari yang ori...
FA Community Shield :
ref bias...
ballack menipu...
foster x guna iPod...
evra x reti amik penalti...
trial results (so far) :
agama - 88
math - 72
geo - 82
bm - 84
bi - 86
kh - 77
science - 80 (fuh!)
sejarah - 87
selama ni x pernah dapat B dalam math (tahun ni la), so aku bersemangat sikit bila tengok result tu. yang aku x konfiden sangat kemahiran hidup (hidup ke? cam mati je), tu memang jadi badi aku tahun ni.
aku akan update post ni as the week goes on! :-)
aku rasa yang aku buat ni lagi cantik dari yang ori...
FA Community Shield :
ref bias...
ballack menipu...
foster x guna iPod...
evra x reti amik penalti...
Friday, August 7, 2009
trial by fire...
fuh, lega gila bile trial dah habis. semua geng aku macam dah masuk air minggu ni. aku? rilek je, tapi tengok diorang, aku amik approach ni : be insane to stay sane.
pelik kan? tapi itulah hakikatnya. at least hujung minggu ni bleh enjoy skit.
Manchester United vs Chelsea, FA Community Shield

whose side are you on?
the battle begins this sunday
pelik kan? tapi itulah hakikatnya. at least hujung minggu ni bleh enjoy skit.
Manchester United vs Chelsea, FA Community Shield

whose side are you on?
the battle begins this sunday
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Competition 1

Thriller Review :
Possibly the greatest album ever in history. With an invincible record with number ones that may last forever, Michael Jackson's music will definitely knock you off the wall. It's dangerous for you not to dance along to the music, or at the very least, sing along. The consequences are awful, with some people claimed they dripped their blood on the dance floor. However, should you at least sing along to it, you will be safe. It ain't all bad, is it?
ok, sekarang, competition dia ialah korang kene cari seberapa banyak album michael jackson yang korang dapat dalam ayat atas tu.
- terbuka kepada georgians aje
- jawapan kene ade bilangan album yang korang jumpa dengan nama album
- pemenang dapat hadiah misteri
- kalau ade seri, yang seri tu dapat hadiah
- kalau aku pernah cakap ayat tu kat korang, jangan masuk!
- sebarang bantahan akan dilayan, pastu di-reject begitu saje
- nak claim hadiah, jumpa aku kat kelas time rehat
- jawapan boleh letak kat 'comments' atau 'shout box'
- PS : perkataan 'Thriller' tak dikira sebagai jawapan
hadiah ihsan 7-eleven XD
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